Stop telling other women they are a “super woman”
I will never tell another woman I admire or think is just “KILLING IT AT LIFE” that I think... “she must be superwoman”.
I just won’t do it.
And here is why.
This happens to me a lot.
I have super sweet, well meaning women assess my life and they come to the conclusion that the only way I am able to “do it all” is I must be a superwoman.
And most of the time, I totally understand that they are being so sweet and paying me a compliment and I appreciate what they are trying to say.
But for some people, I think it is just their way of copping out on themselves. 😬 Ouch. Yes. I did just say that.... but hang on! I swear this will get SO GOOD!!! Just keep reading!
I GOT YOU, GIRL!!!!!!!
Here is what I mean by that....
When you see some other girl doing “all the things” that YOU really want to do, but you don’t think you can or REALLY you just aren’t willing to put in the effort to do all of those things, it is easier on yourself to just tell yourself that “she is superwoman”. You tell yourself that “she” just has all of this ability that you don’t have, and that is why you don’t have the life or are not even working on the dreams that she does.
I’m sorry friend, but that just isn’t true.
The actual truth is, you too are a super woman.
We are all super women.
We all have the same abilities to do the things that are in our hearts. But most people just don’t want to do the work it takes.
A lot of us (me included) are actually too scared to even have big dreams!! We were not raised to dream big for ourselves. And I’m not talking about having dreams like “we can all be the next president”. 😂 I just mean, I was not taught to dream big about my day to day.
If I want to have a really nice, well kept, clean house.
I can.
And so can you.
It just takes work.
If I want to be a super “in shape” 37 year old woman.
I can.
And so can you.
It just takes work.
If I want to wake up early and spend time in the Word each morning before my kids get up.
I can.
And so can you.
It just takes work.
If I want to still feel those romantic feelings with my husband day after day and have the desire to KISS HIS FACE OFF when we put the kids down.
I can.
And so can you.
It just takes work.
If I want to eventually be in the top of my company and be one of the very best makeup artists out there.
I can.
And you can excel at your job too.
It just takes work.
Are you getting this????
If I am a super woman, then so are you.
I am not special.
The only thing that makes me have any edge over anyone else is I do have the power of Jesus helping me. And His power is a power of “not cutting corners”. 😂 He is an advocate for hard work. I mean, shooooot, He himself was a carpenter! That is hard work! And then he had to teach and train all of his disciples and get them ready for Him to DIE! He was working hard the whole time he was here on the earth.
But, where some of the “HELP” comes from is, He will actually help you as you work hard. When you step out and decide to work hard at something GOOD, He will be there to give you that extra UMPH once you have started!
He will never really help you get started, but once you have started He will give you just enough energy to do a good job!!
So, don’t sit back any more, girl!
YOU are a super woman!!
If you have a desire for something that you just cannot get away from, and you have prayed about it and it is a GOOD thing.... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! You really can!
Now, we do have limitations of time. So you cannot literally “do everything”. There isn’t enough time for absolutely everything. So you have to decide the things that are for sure important to you!
So don’t sit back and think other women have anything over you! Or more than you!
They don’t!!!
You, with the help of Jesus have what it takes!!
You just have to decide to WORK HARD and then Jesus will make up for the rest!